My New Request For Daddy... Please Daddy.. T^T

Konichiwa!! I'm back... Well... Yesterday, I stayed at my granny's house... It's quite a while since the last time I stayed at my granny's house... Well... I really MISS her.. I Love Her this MUCH!!!! hahaha.. I'm really looking foward to meet her again.... and also my cute little cousin, Tia..

Well.. I asked my daddy about something today... about me keeping a pet hamster... well.. I really love hamster you know?.. they're so CUTE!!! hehehe... I do.. I do.. I do.... LOVE them!!.. >.<  
I had once take care of them.. there wast three.. at first.. then a cat eat two of them... I felt really sad and terrible... I hate that cat so much!!  but alas.. I still got another one.. hehehe.. but it died 2 months later.. died because my cousin roll her cage up.. seriously?! are they out of their mind? huh!!

I really enjoy watching it sleep inside her running place.. it was so cute!! hehehe... >///< 
I really wanted to have a hamster as my pet.. REALLY!!! please Daddy... I want it!!!!

watching it ate every sunflower seeds... makes me feel really excited... hehehe.. you can see the enjoyment every time it bites the sunflower seed... hehehe.. really cute..  
so.. every time I see it begins to eat.. I'll watch it eating.. some times they will kept their foods in their cheeks.. that's why.. you could see it quite large for some how.. hehe.. they'll eat it when they felt really hungry.. and they ate A LOT!!!.. hehehe..

that's why... I enjoy watching the cuties... hehehe.. and some times... they came in three colours.. well.. it all came to their parents too.. hehehe.. I really do like watching they younger ones... hehe... sooooooo cuuutttteeee!!!!

well... my nappy time came.... heheeh.... see you tomorrow!!! bye bye!! LUV U ALL!!!
TQ for reading... Arigatou ne!!!!

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